Mr. Paul L. Friedman is the founding principal of Friedman & Associates. With more than 45 years of management experience in the office interiors industry, he has collaborated with major manufacturers as well as real estate, facility, and purchasing professionals.
Additionally, with rapidly emerging transformational technologies becoming increasingly more prevalent within the business community, Mr. Friedman incorporates those elements (i.e. high performance conference rooms, wearable and embedded technologies, avatars, office robots, AI,IOT, etc) within his scope of interests as he advises clients with respect to their office environments.
In his role as a consultant to major corporations and large employers, Mr. Friedman has assisted in sophisticated facility projects with his expertise in areas of facility selection, cost containment, value enhancement, product and vendor analysis, logistics and move management.
Mr. Friedman's educational resume includes degrees in business, finance and management sciences, completing both graduate and post graduate work. He has studied, and observed first-hand, the nuances of negotiation from not only vendors' and facility professionals' points of view but also that of senior management. He has lectured at Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis University and the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and privately to numerous corporate clients.